As a homeowner, it seems that there are always some replacements and repairs that need to be done. Sometimes, it is normal to feel like you can fix the items on your own. However, it is always better to leave the repairs to a Durham handyman professional.

When looking for a professional, you need to look for well-seasoned handyman services from a Durham handyman. A handyman can handle several jobs such as painting rooms in your house, cleaning out the gutters, and assisting you in figuring out the budget for buying items in your home. They will help you know whether you are getting the best deal. Before you hire a handyman Durham NC, you need to understand how a handyman prices their services.

Typical Handyman Services Hourly Rates

A handyman has the skills required to handle a minor array of home services including home repairs, construction, and renovations. The costs of their services will depend on the market and job complexity. Depending on these factors, a handyman may choose to charge a flat fee or hourly.

The hourly rates are often between $60 and $80 for an independent worker and will be around $125 per hour for a company handyman. An experienced handyman knows the amount of time it will take them to complete various jobs and therefore charge accordingly.

For instance, for a small job that may take less than two hours and uses simple tools, a handyman will charge between $75 and $150. Medium jobs that are somewhat complex and need power tools will cost you between $150 and $300, while large and complex jobs may cost up to $1000.

Costs of Common Handyman Durham, NC Jobs

The type of project you need to be done will be a significant determinant of the total cost no matter where you are and whether the handyman opts for an hourly or a flat-rate. Here is an hour list of tasks and the likely costs for each.

Handing Heavy Pieces of Art

This task will cost between $60 and $125 since it requires miscellaneous screws and hardware. It will take one and a half hours to complete this type of job, depending on the art’s size and placement.

Drywall Repair

It is one of the most common jobs that handymen are hired for. While this may seem like a relatively unskilled job, repairing drywall can be a complicated task and time consuming job. Depending on the size of the wall, this job can take between 1-3 days. The cost of service will be impacted by the amount of work required to repair the wall as well as the number of people involved.

T.V Mounting and Pressure Washing

This job may cost between $100 and $150. The job can take at least two hours to complete but it can also go beyond that estimation. Mounting the TV will depend on the type of wall, furniture arrangement, and its size among other things. The handyman may also get to charge for the brackets hence increasing the cost. On the other hand, pressure washing will depend on the access of water and the area to clean.

Final Thought

A competent handyman will help you ensure your house is in excellent condition and will also help you find out that these jobs can be done efficiently and in a short time. A handyman will often have the necessary tools and experience to complete the jobs you need effectively. It will also save you the costs of renting power tools.Need any Durham handyman services? Call the professionals today at 919-864-2075